Amidst all the feelings of annoyance and sometimes downright hatred that I feel for homeless people, I saw one today that I could co-exist with (in the world, not in my house-let's get that straight right now). Usually I walk around wanting to punch homeless people in their dirty little faces. Today I saw a man: not bumming for money, not playing his flute badly, loudly and stinkily at the 42nd St stop, not screaming about the "hispanic problem", not trying to sell the sandwich someone gave them earlier in the day (I could go on for hours), but playing his PSP. That's right, the world is his home and it's Sunday morning. He was doing what I wish I could've been doing instead of going to work (if I had a PSP, that is). Excuse the state of my pic. I was trying to be sneaky while the bitch across from me gave me the eye. She was doing the walk of shame back to her apartment early in the morning. She had what appeared to be dried cum stuck to her chin area. Gross bitch.
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